When Your Child Is Worried and Won’t Listen to Reason

This case study includes a “quick action” tip for how to handle worries now, and an example of how to work through the 4R Formula for more long-lasting results.

Start by watching the video overview, and then download your resources.


Watch the video below for a quick explanation of how to make best use of this case study


The Short-Term Solution

Here’s a suggestion for what to do RIGHT now.

This isn’t a long-term fix, but it should give you a little temporary relief! 

Click here or on the image to download.



for long-term improvement in behavior, moods, and attitudes


RESPOND Effectively In the Moment

Click here or on the image to download.

Click here to review the “Respond” step of the 4R Method



Script: When Your Child Is Worried and Won’t Listen to Reason

Click  here or on the image to download

Say This, Not That When Your Child Is Worried and Won’t Listen To Reason

Click here or on the image to download.