Not Getting Sucked into Kids’ Big Emotions

RELIEF PLAN $24.99 $19.99

You can stay calm the first few times you deal with an issue.

But it’s HARD not to get sucked in when

…you’ve asked your child 5 times to do something and

they still don’t respond

…they are melting down over and over

…they are being disrespectful or defiant

…they are not responding to logic, reason, or anything else!


So you get upset, and the situation goes from bad to worse. 


It doesn’t have to be this way!

In 20 minutes, I will help you:

– Understand what makes it so hard to stay calm

– Identify strategies to remain in control of your emotions no matter what is happening around you 

– Create an action plan to help you improve situations that aren’t moving in the right direction 

Reduce the negativity in interactions with your kids (and other family members)


WHAT YOU GET FOR $24.99 $19.99

♦  20-minute video lesson

You’ll learn what, from a scientific perspective, makes it so hard to stay cam… and how to “work around” that obstacle so that you don’t lose your cool, even in frustrating situations

♦  Interactive guide

This resource will help you apply the tips you learn to YOUR situation 

♦  Examples

You’re not just learning a theory in these lessons…you’re learning what you can actually DO to see positive change

♦  Template for your plan

You can use this template to fill out (and hang up!) your plan

♦  “Say This, Not That” suggestions

The words you should use to ensure your success!

“I really love the brief video….it felt very doable to watch a 20 min video and the use the handout along the way. The handout was excellent and very helpful. I liked all of the information from the video you provided on there and the ability to type right into the form when answering questions. It was very clear and simple. Lots of great information packed into this program!”

Kerry K.

It went well in alleviating what was causing me to get sucked in and helped minimize her big reaction.”

Jessica L.


For what ages of children are these lessons appropriate?

These lessons were created for parents of children ages 2-12 years old, but many of the tips apply to parents of adolescents as well.

How long does the training take to complete?
It will take about 20 minutes to go through the course and build your plan. You will involve your child in making the plan, so the time spent may be shorter or longer depending on your child’s age and level of engagement.
Will this plan help me stay calm when my child has a big reaction?
Yes. The lesson is designed to help you identify situations when you feel triggered by your child’s big emotions. You’ll also be guided to make a clear plan so you don’t react to others’ big emotions in a way that makes the situation worse.
My child is very sensitive and dramatic. Can this plan help me?
Yes. This plan will help you learn to shift your reaction in ANY situation. And in fact, learning how to regulate your own emotions can help your child more effectively regulate their emotions. 
How can I receive additional support after I complete the training?

The Rachel Bailey Parenting Academy Club is a monthly subscription service ($35/month) that offers Live Q&A sessions with me for parents who complete these Relief Plans. Membership also includes community support, access to parenting resources, a Private Facebook Group where I keep open office hours to answer questions, email updates and other benefits. Click here to learn more about Rachel Bailey’s Parenting Academy Club.

Are there Relief Plans on other topics?


Helping Kids Transition Off of Screens Relief Plan helps you motivate your children to get off of their device without your nagging… and helps reduce the stress surrounding screen time

Managing Parent Stress and Anxiety Relief Plan helps you change what you are doing that is keeping you stuck in a cycle of negativity…and helps you feel more in control by giving you clear steps for handling situations that feel overwhelming

Reducing Sibling Fighting Relief Plan helps you understand the real reasons for the negativity between your children and create an action plan so that you no longer have to play judge and jury when your children are arguing

Handling Your Kids’ Schoolwork With Fewer Power Struggles Relief Plan helps you foster internal motivation in your children and reduce the stress surrounding schoolwork


I’m Rachel Bailey. For over a decade, I’ve helped hundreds of parents bring out the best in their children. In addition to my master’s degree in clinical psychology, I have been an ADHD coach, in-home mentor (helping to improve family dynamics), therapist, and teacher of positive parenting techniques. And I’m a mom.

Like many of you, I tried “traditional” strategies with my kids…yelling, threatening, even the “positive” ones like rewards and praise. But none of those strategies worked in the long run and they didn’t feel good for me or my kids. So I learned how to switch from “band-aid parenting” (using strategies that don’t stick after a while) to “long-game parenting,” which lead to results that lasted and made me feel more confident and in control.  Now I teach other families how to do the same… and how to enjoy interacting with their kids again. 

And I can teach you too. 


I am feeling more empowered because I have identified triggers and yuck stories. I have created a plan to separate myself from the “yuck” and step outside of it. I also loved all the action steps, it was very practical advice.”

Bridget S.


~ Feeling like you can handle almost any situation without losing your cool

~ Recognizing when a situation is not going well and being able to foster a more positive outcome

 ~ Feeling more in control and less guilty about how you interact with your kids in challenging situations

Are you ready to stop getting sicked into kids’ big emotions?