Managing Parent Stress and Anxiety
RELIEF PLAN $24.99 $19.99

You want to get through this time with a positive attitude, but
…you have so many demands on your time, patience, and energy
…you have no time for yourself
…there doesn’t seem to be an end to this stress in sight
You try to be grateful for what you do have, but you still feel overwhelmed.
It doesn’t have to be this way!
In 20 minutes, I will help you:
– Change what you’re doing that is keeping you stuck in a cycle of negativity
– Take small, realistic steps so that you feel more in control in all areas of your life
– Create an action plan that includes clear steps for handling situations that feel overwhelming
– Reduce your overall level of stress!

WHAT YOU GET FOR $24.99 $19.99
♦ 20-minute video lesson
You’ll learn how to take simple steps to address the situations that are currently causing you stress so that you feel confident that you can handle the demands you’re facing
♦ Interactive guide
This resource will help you apply the tips you learn to YOUR situation
♦ Examples
You’re not just learning a theory in these lessons…you’re learning what you can actually DO to see positive change
♦ Template for your plan
You can use this template to fill out your plan
♦ “Say This, Not That” suggestions
The words to tell yourself and others to ensure your success

“Remember that every single family is going through some variation of this in your community. That often helps calm me down – it’s not JUST my kids who are losing social and academic opportunities. This is something we are going through in a way that is at once very isolating and universal.”
For what ages is this plan relevant?
This plan is focused on parents but the fundamental concepts are also applicable for teens and children.
How long does the training take to complete?
I have anxiety...will this help me?
Will I leave the lesson with an action plan?
How can I receive additional support after I complete the training?
The Rachel Bailey Parenting Academy Club is a monthly subscription service ($35/month) that offers Live Q&A sessions with me for parents who complete these Relief Plans. Membership also includes community support, access to parenting resources, a Private Facebook Group where I keep open office hours to answer questions, email updates and other benefits. Click here to learn more about Rachel Bailey’s Parenting Academy Club.
Are there Relief Plans on other topics?
Helping Kids Transition Off of Screens Relief Plan helps you motivate your children to get off of their device without your nagging… and helps reduce the stress surrounding screen time
Reducing Sibling Fighting Relief Plan helps you understand the real reasons for the negativity between your children and create an action plan so that you no longer have to play judge and jury when your children are arguing
Not Getting Sucked into Kids’ Big Emotions Relief Plan helps you identify strategies to remain in control of your emotions no matter what is happening around you so that you can reduce the negative interactions with your kids (and others!)
Handling Your Kids’ Schoolwork With Fewer Power Struggles Relief Plan helps you foster internal motivation in your children and reduce the stress surrounding schoolwork
I’m Rachel Bailey. For over a decade, I’ve helped hundreds of parents bring out the best in their children. In addition to my master’s degree in clinical psychology, I have been an ADHD coach, in-home mentor (helping to improve family dynamics), therapist, and teacher of positive parenting techniques. And I’m a mom.
Like many of you, I tried “traditional” strategies with my kids…yelling, threatening, even the “positive” ones like rewards and praise. But none of those strategies worked in the long run and they didn’t feel good for me or my kids. So I learned how to switch from “band-aid parenting” (using strategies that don’t stick after a while) to “long-game parenting,” which lead to results that lasted and made me feel more confident and in control. Now I teach other families how to do the same… and how to enjoy interacting with their kids again.
And I can teach you too.


“This was succinct and do-able.”