Motivating Responsible Behavior
Use these resources to apply the 4R Formula and to learn tools and strategies to address to specific behaviors.

Case Studies
These case studies will offer strategies for short-term relief AND long-term solutions (using The 4R Method).
Child negotiates when a boundary is set
Child isn’t putting effort into schoolwork
Child won’t get off of their device
When siblings compare and compete
When your child is mean when others touch their stuff
When your child won’t put effort into something they know how to do
How to show your children that you mean what you say
When children compare and compete
When your child is mean when others touch their stuff
Say This, Not That Phrases
These resources offer suggestions that may lead to more effective results as you handle situations with your child(ren).
Set boundaries with firmness and respect
When your child isn’t cleaning
When you want your child to stop doing something
To respond with firmness and respect
To reduce sibling fighting
When your child is being mean to a sibling
These brief videos offer quick tips related to motivating more responsible behavior.
How to tell if your expectations are realistic (and what to do if they’re not)
A simple shift that leads to long-lasting positive behavior
If you want kids to complain less, stop trying to stop the complaining
To reduce sibling rivalry, let kids feel how they feel
Reduce sibling competition